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Health & Wellness

Mental Health Matters: How to Support Seniors with Anxiety

Unfortunately, anxiety is all too common among seniors. Retirement and golden years are not all that they may seem. People start to worry about many things that may or may not even be within their control. Money issues, health concerns, loneliness, and lack of support can all cause people to have anxiety and panic attacks. Anxiety in seniors can lead to more complications like falls, depression, and social isolation. To…

Health & Wellness

Halloween Activities for Seniors and Their Loved Ones

Halloween isn’t just for kids. People of all ages can enjoy the holiday in many different ways. It doesn’t have to be all about candy. There are plenty of activities you can enjoy. Whether you are planning something for an older loved one or a whole family activity, use your imagination. Make the most of it for everyone involved to create memories that last a lifetime. Halloween Activities When planning…

Safety First

Comprehensive Guide to Natural Disaster Preparedness

Nobody wants to dwell on emergencies, but effective management hinges on careful planning. Understanding the potential natural disasters that could affect your area and devising a solid plan is the key to safeguarding yourself and your loved ones. Some of the most common natural disasters include wildfires, hurricanes, and tornadoes. Understanding the Seasonal Risks Before delving into preparation, it’s vital to be aware of the specific risks associated with your…


How to Be an Effective Advocate for Aging Parents

As our parents age, we will start to notice that they are slowing down. They may even be struggling with various things. Of course, we want what’s best for them, in particular, if they are not completely sure themselves. It can be a very touchy subject and a difficult conversation with your parent or parents. While we may be already wearing plenty of hats looking after them, it is vital…

Fall Prevention

Preventing Falls: Home Safety and Confidence-Building Strategies

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According to the CDC, each year, about 3 million older adults are treated in emergency departments for a fall injury, and one out of every five falls causes an injury, such as broken bones or a head injury. Sadly, for many of them, returning home is no longer an option, as they end up relocating to assisted living communities or nursing homes due to the injuries sustained in the fall,…

Health & Wellness

Fall Activities to Enjoy with Your Senior Loved Ones

The summer months can be trying for our older loved ones. The heat, humidity, bugs, and even the tourists can all be overwhelming. But once the weather starts to cool, it can be much easier to enjoy activities. There are plenty of things to do in the fall that won’t cost much and can be enjoyed by the whole family. It can be the perfect time to spend with your…

Fitness, Health & Wellness

Exercises to Help Ease the Pain of Arthritis

Arthritis can be a debilitating disease. It causes pain, discomfort, and makes even the simplest of tasks difficult. But, it doesn’t have to be that way all the time. There are some exercises you can do to help relieve the pain and increase the mobility of your affected joints. Be sure to consult with your medical care provider before starting any type of exercise program. Exercises to Ease Arthritis Doing…

Health & Wellness

Essential Travel Tips for Seniors

The longevity of American adults has been steadily increasing, with the CDC reporting an average life expectancy of 78.7 years for all races and genders, and 81 years for U.S. women. This extended lifespan provides ample opportunities for leisure activities such as travel. However, just like any significant endeavor, seniors should take certain precautions and considerations into account before embarking on their journeys. Here are eight travel tips tailored to…